Army soldier anti gay meme

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'I opened the door in my boxers and Spr Webster was standing there with a white mouth guard in his mouth and a large mug in his hand. He said: 'I didn't answer the door at first but the knocks became increasingly louder. Spr Dinsmore was awoken at around 1pm later that day by someone knocking loudly and repeatedly on his door. 'He asked me to pay him for the pizza but I told him I was not going to pay him for one slice of pizza - it's ridiculous. I finished at around 06:50 the following morning and Spr Webster relieved me of my duty. 'Nothing more was said - I just went back to sleep until my next guard duty. He asked if I had eaten his pizza and I said yes. 'At about one in the morning I was woken up by Spr Webster. 'I was told there was pizza so I had a slice and laid down on the sofa and went to sleep. Spr Dinsmore told the court: 'At about 22:30 I finished my guard duty on the gate and went into the guard room. When Spr Webster returned to find a missing slice, he confronted Spr Dinsmore, asking him to pay for the slice he had taken, but was allegedly told to 'f*** off'. Sapper Samuel Webster (pictured) turned up at Sapper Dinsmore's room in barracks wearing a 'white mouth guard' and holding a 'large mug' of boiling waterīut Spr Dinsmore, from Northern Ireland, then helped himself to a slice.

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